Thursday, May 11, 2017

Snow travel experiences

  1. 养成带头盔的习惯。
  2. 队伍前后要在视野范围内,否则用对讲机练习
  3. 在重大决定时,需要召集大家一起讨论,每个人都应该有自己的看法。一旦决定形成,按决定执行。
  4. 不要完全相信别人的路线,需要自己检查路线。在复杂路线,按情况定期核实路线
  5. 如果路途遥远,尽量减少休息时间,尽量避免走夜路。
  6. 加强基本技能训练,比如ice axe arrest. Snow travel skills等。
  7. 尽量避免risk, 如果路线不在大家的comfort zone就返回。
  8. Snow travel应该带snow shovel,water filter等。 
  9. Gaia GPS could have issues to locate our current position sometimes. If we are not sure about where we are, we should use at least two people's Gaia GPS to double check. Sometimes, resetting the app resolves this issue as well.

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